Meet Me, By The Sea….
Sometimes, I am hit with a longing to be by the sea. Does this happen to you? A sudden desire to stand on the shoreline, and look out in into the vast and unending blue?
I love the feel of the sand on my toes, and the adventure of never knowing what you’ll find washed along the shore. I love tidal pools and the tiny worlds contained there.
But when I dream of being by the sea, it’s always the sound and the smell I think of: The salty tang that is lifted on a gentle breeze, the cries of gulls and other sea birds, and the endless, and yet soothing, shhhhhuuushhhh of the waves.
The is something powerful about the sea; even on the shore it dwarfs you. And yet, the fact that it stretches on and on into endlessness is somehow comforting on days when the world seems overwhelming or crowded.
A day by the sea is so full and yet so open — to everything and nothing. Somehow, when I am by the sea, time slows and morphs, until it, too, becomes nothing but sunshine, salty tang, and the metronomic lap of waves.
They say that those who live by the sea are waiting for something. Is that true? Or are we drawn to it, simply because, the sea, even when you stand on the edge of it, is full of so much wonder and possibility?